Why Choose
HR Xpress?
HR Xpress, LLC is owned and operated by dedicated HR professionals with over 30 combined years of business and industry experience. Our staff have achieved the highly sought-after desigation of "Senior Professional in Human Resources" (SPHR) from the acclaimed Human Resources Certification Institute, and are also "Senior Certified Professionals" (SHRM-SCP) from the nationally recognized authority in the HR profession, the Society of Human Resource Management. With a variety of organizational experience in everything from manufacturing to sales, academics, non-profit, etc... our HR team can help you get back to focusing on what you do best - making business profitable - while we handle the rest.
HR Xpress, LLC
Let Us Handle your"HR Headaches"!
Dealing with difficult employees, managing ever-changing legal requirements and ensuring that your company is staffed appropriately for your business needs are time-consuming issues for a small business owner. Use your time more cost-effectively by hiring an outsourced "HR Manager" and allowing you more time to focus on what's most important - growing your business.